Maadaadazid Program

Leader: Ryan Bajan (Ma’iingan)
June 2-9, 2020
$500 per youth

A one-week adventure in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness for young men ages 13-18. The experience will be a strenuous* canoe trek in the incredible wilderness area once inhabited by the Anishinaabeg and the prominent Fur Trade. Youth will develop and master outdoor camping, cooking, and survival skills deep in the wilderness area. 

The program involves a one-day off-road training, leadership skill development, canoe skill instruction, Anishinaabeg teachings, open-fire cooking, and an incredible week in the wilderness. Youth will be given a short packing list, all crew items and food will be provided. 

There are only 7 spots this session. Scholarships are available. 

*Youth must present an annual health physical in good standing upon arrival.

A printable flyer can be found here: Maadaadazid Flyer


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